5th Ray Healing Academy

Encouraging You To BE You!

Sophie St-Pierre

Master EFT / Tapping Practitioner & Trainer

Trauma Specialist

Psychic Healing Guide

I really, really, really love people! I hold space for as long as you need it, so you have permission to:

  • be your true self,
  • reconnect with your essence and inner guidance,
  • see all the amazing opportunities available to you,
  • clear past traumas, limiting beliefs and patterns, and
  • manifest the life you desire with a healthy body, mind and spirit.

February 15, 2024

Hello fabulous souls, 

You might have noticed that I am quieter and not as active on social media and even in the events and courses I usually offer. I was guided to go within and realign myself and my business. As many of you know, offering courses, and events, and writing my newsletter from a place of compassion and, in complete alignment is important to me. I love love love showing up full of life, expanded and with compassion and I always want my business to reflect that aspect of myself too.

For the next couple of months, I will be working diligently to realign my business, how I want to show up in the world, and what I want to offer to support souls who want to live a life fully, with compassion and in alignment with their soul and their soul mission. 

Right now, I will continue to write this bi-monthly newsletter. And I will be back somewhere in April with more courses, and events with more to say on social media too. Can’t wait. 

Love love love


Join Us!

We offer events and workshops that will support you in having the courage to be you by reducing stress and anxiety, healing past traumas and limiting beliefs reconnecting to your essence and inner wisdom.

Tap with Sophie

A Tapping Circle

Next date TBA

2 to 2.5 hours allowing deep healing & transformation while receiving guidance & group support in your use of EFT/Tapping

Psychic EFT

Tapping Clearings

July 17th, 2024
August 15th, 2024

5:30pm Pacific
7:30pm Central
8:30pm Eastern

Combine EFT/Tapping with Sophie's intuitive skills to release energy blockages or challenges.

EFT/Tapping Specialized Practitioner Training & Certification

Become a certified EFT/Tapping practitioner OR upgrade your skills to help your clients experiencing trauma, physical pain or chronic/complex issues  

Module 1: The Essentials of EFT Tapping

Next start date: TBA
This module is for you whether you’re just starting out on your practitioner journey or if you’re looking to strengthen your foundation of EFT/Tapping…

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Module 2: EFT Tapping for Trauma

Next start date: TBA
This module gives practitioners the ability to skillfully, effectively, and compassionately navigate all types of traumatic experiences their clients have been through…

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Module 3: EFT Tapping for Physical Pain & Chronic/Complex Issues

Next Start Date: TBA
This module is for practitioners wanting to skillfully, effectively, and successfully address physical pain and chronic and Complex issues using EFT/Tapping…

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Bonus Module: Building a Strong Business Foundation

Next Start Date: TBA
In this bonus module, those taking all 3 modules will focus on building a strong Business Foundation right from the start, starting with cornerstone values…

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Feel supported, loved, guided and authentically connected with me through my FREE, twice-a-month newsletter.

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